The Big Fat Lie Most Coaches Believe About Injuries

Sarah J Pitts
3 min readDec 21, 2021

If you’re a sports coach, club or organization that wants to be more confident handling people’s existing injuries and long-term health conditions, then pay close attention to this post.

There’s a big fat whopping lie circulating among coaches when it comes to getting involved in injuries — whether that’s prevention or management.

And the lie is that coaches must be educated around the specifics of the injuries themselves in order to help manage them.

But that’s NOT true!

And do you know what? That’s the BEST thing for everyone!

Confidence comes from knowing where you stand and the limits of your skills. When we start venturing into the grey areas of trying to do a bit of this and a bit of that, that’s when things get complicated, and everyone is on shaky ground.

Right now, the industry has you believing that you cannot get involved with injuries, you either train around the problem (which is essentially just ignoring it) or you refer them to someone else.

But that’s not helping, it’s just palming the problem onto someone else.

You worry that getting involved will hurt your people more.

Your people worry that they’ll do something that triggers the pain they’ve spent so long trying to get rid of

And therapists worry that you’ll disrupt their treatment plan.

Your people deserve better than this fear driven, hands-off, “do no harm” attitude — so do you, and so do the therapists who are trying to treat the problem!

As a non-injury specialist coach, your strengths lie in your coaching abilities, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use those skills to look for and address the two most powerful causes of pain… emotional & physical stress.

You can do this by observing your people. You can do it by warming them up and cooling them down. You can do it the way that you teach them new skills. You can do it through your strength training

And a whole bunch of other ways too!

By dealing with emotional and physical stress, you can stay firmly away from the pain itself and well within your coaching lane which gives you, and everyone else involved in the injury process, much more confidence. Plus, it opens up a whole new world of opportunity to help in ways that most coaches will never think of!

If you’re serious about being more confident in handling existing injury problems in your sessions, club or organization, then you really need to check out my Amazon Bestselling book “The Coaches Guide to Long-Term Injury Prevention Success” where I’ll give you the strategies you need… and show you how what started out as a way of helping my own clients with their injury problems became the most inclusive, accessible and collaborative solution to emotional and physical health on the market today — and the most sensible approach to injury prevention and management for sports coaches, clubs and organisations.

Claim your copy at

This post was originally broadcast as part of the “How to Hack Injuries” LIVE video series. Find the entire series here

Originally published at on December 21, 2021.



Sarah J Pitts

I help sports and fitness coaches to weave injury prevention methods into standard fitness exercises so they don’t have do mobility separately